Bela Fleck, Mike Marshall & Edgar Meyer Germantown Performing Arts Center Germantown, TN 10/09/1998 Source: Schoeps mk21 > kc5 actives > cmc6 > Lunatec V2 > DA-P1 (16/48) Location: stealth 2nd row Orchestra Pit - 10 feet from stage, Right of center. Microphones were hand-held using Schoeps TC2 Minitaure Table Stand. Conversion (01/16/2022): Master DAT Tascam DA-20mkII > Marantz PMD500 (PCM Stereo) > Audacity FLAC > Frontend.ffp Note: taper adjusted levels up/down between songs during original recording to reduce crowd noise. Also utilized Audacity in post-production to reduce crowd noise/applause between some songs using Audacity Amplify (Effect > Amplify (-15db)) Set 1: 1. % 2. 3. 4. Gator Strut 5. Chromium Picolinate 6. 7. Indifference 8. Green Slime 9. Sliding Down Set 2: 1. 2. 3. Frogs on Ice 4. 5. 6. Gypsy Airs (by Pablo de Sarasate) 7. 8. encore: 9. % - song is cut. Levels are low, mic setup, etc.