Danny Barnes 2007-03-31 The Imbibe Portland, Oregon Source: [Post show matrix] #1 Violet Design Black Fingers (no ring, dfc at lip of stage, 4 ft., 110 degrees ORTF)> DaSilvaPath interconnects>Apogee Mini-MP>Busilver interconnects>Edirol R4 @24/96. #2 Soundboard>Segue Dogstar interconnects>Grace Design Lunatec V2> Busilver interconnects>Edirol R4 @24/96. Transfer: Edirol R-4>USB>Dell Dimension 4600>Samplitude 7.02 (Sources normalized, joined and mixed , 40% board 60% mics approx)> Wavelab 5.0 (downsampled to 44.1, dithered to 16 bit using Apogee UV22R algorythym)>CDwave 1.93.3 (tracked)>Flac Frontend 1.7.1 (level 8)>flac16. (shntoolverified) Recording and transfer by Mark Burgin. tapermarkATyahooDOTcom PLEASE DO NOT BUY/SELL THIS RECORDING, ENCODE TO LOSSY FORMATS AND DISTRIBUTE OTHER THAN ARCHIVE.ORG OR CHANGE THESE FILES IN ANY WAY. Thank You SET ONE [70:45] 01 Intro, [1:27] 02 Keep My Skillet Good And Greasy, [4:18] 03 Misty Swan, [11:19] 04 Banjo Pickin' Girl, [4:57] 05 My Baby Works For The TSA, [4:25] 06 Shit Creek, [10:24] 07 Hey Baby I'm Falling, [6:39] 08 Raise Four, [6:34] 09 Good As I've Been To You, [3:13] 10 Get It While You Can, [5:31] 11 Wasted Minds, [5:38] 12 Footprints In The Snow, [6:20] SET TWO [39:14] 01 Intro, [1:42] 02 Things I Done Wrong, [9:04] 03 Running Out Of Memory For You, [3:13] 04 Fun Time, [5:30] 05 Get Me Outa Jail, [4:53] 06 On My Way Back To The Old Home, [3:52] 07 Apistrophy, [11:00] Danny Barnes: banjo, vocals, midi sampling and effects Support Danny by seeing him live and buying his merchandise. Including the new release "Barnyard Electronics". Available soon. Visit: http://www.dannybarnes.com/