Danny Barnes June 04,2011 John Hartford Memorial Festival Bean Blossom,IN source:sbd > CA-9100 > MR-1 @ 1 bit 2.8MHz transfer:MR-1 > audiogate (+2db,track,fades,16/44.1) > TLH-fix sbe's,flac level 8 taped/transferred/shared by indydarkstar t01-//missing t02-Charlie t03-Pizza Box t04-Caveman t05-Wine t06-Sleep t07-One t08-Get It While You Can * t09-Death Trip * t10-Overdue * t11-Misty swan * t12-Rocket * encore: t13-Love Songs Suck I missed most of track 01 due to transferring files, it cuts in near the end Danny Barnes-banjo,barnjo 15000 Brandon Harper-drums * - Tim O'Brien-fiddle please support artists who allow us to do this. go see a show,buy some stuff,take a friend Thanks to John Hotze for a great festival, the soundcrew for great sound and the patch, and the band for a great set