Kitchen Dwellers 2023-02-12 Ruffer Residence Bernese Mountain Series Lake Oswego, Oregon RECORDIST: Mark Burgin tapermarkATyahooDOTcom SOURCE: Neumann AK40's~>KM100's~>Grace Design Lunatec V2~>Hi-Ho Silver shorty interconnects~>Sound Devices 744t. MICROPHONE LOCATION: lip of stage, dfc, about 3 feet high MICROPHONE CONFIGURATION: : ORTF, 110 degrees 17 cm RECORDED FORMAT: 24 bit, 48 kHz CONVERSION: Sound Devices 744t>firewire>PC. EDITING: Magic Samplitude Pro X (normalization, eq and compression) DOWNSAMPLE: N/A DITHER: N/A FINAL FORMAT: 24 bit, 48 kHz TRACKING: CD WAV 1.98 COMPRESSION: TLH 2.7.0 Build 172 flac (level 8) SBE VERIFICATION: TLH 2.7.0 Build 172 TAGS: Foobar2000 v1.2.8 Please do not buy/sell this recording or trade in lossy formats. Thanks. 01 Intro 02 Bloody Mary Morning 03 Smokestack 04 Wise River 05 Red Haired Boy 06 Molly And Tenbrooks 07 Come On In My Kitchen # 08 Hardcore Troubadour 09 Years Of My Life 10 Paradise Valley 11 Phaedrus 12 Tom Barrett 13 Old Train 14 Their Names Are The Trees 15 In The Kitchen 16 Mimas And Ida 17 Pancho And Lefty # with Lindsay Lou Shawn Swain [Mandolin] Torrin Daniels [banjo] Joe Funk [upright bass] Max Davies [acoustic guitar] Support the artists by seeing them live and buying their official merchandise. Visit: