The Hillbenders Swan Stage Hardly Strictly Bluegrass Festival San Francisco, Ca October 02, 2016 Recorded by Daspyknows Dead center halfway between sbd and stage Schoeps MK4/NBox Platinum Tascam DR-2D 24 Bit 48K Processed using Soundforge 11, resample, to 16bit 44.1K TLH to convert to Flac Master 2016.68 I am being lazy with the set list as there are a number of talking tracks and I am trying to seed 30 sets. 01. 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. By day 3 the lack of sleep kicks in and I was running a bit late. I was out the door about 6:30 and as I was told, the day before there was no blanket at Swan stage. Since I knew I was running late I sent a message to one of my HSB friends who has been hanging out with us for years. I knew he was arriving early so was hoping he could put a tarp at Swan. No word until I was walking into the park. As I arrived everything was soaking wet and rain was predicted during the day. Since I wasn't into taping in the pouring rain I was prepared to bag the recording if the weather was bad. Sunday morning tradionally starts with the Emmylou Harris doing a morning soundcheck. There are always no pictures, video or recording allowed, well recording is never allowed but that's not something I pay attention to. Security is always out telling people to put the phones away. I am sitting holding my phone and an external battery listening and recording while checking the score of the football game when a woman with credentials tells me to stop recording. I tell her its just my phone and she thinks the battery is a recorder. I tell her it is just a battery and she keeps an eye on me. Obviously I was recording and I got the soundcheck. Once it gets closer to the starting time I head over to Swan stage for the Hillbenders performing Tommy by the Who. The sun was out and we are all putting on sunscreen which was a jinx. Within minutes it gets cloudy and windy and the skies open up for 5 minutes. Luckily my umbrella keeps the gear dry. Just after the rain stops the Hillbenders come out and do a great bluegrass version of Tommy. One of the festival highlights for sure. On my way out I see the one blanket "lost" the day before and grab it as I head to Rooster Stage. At Rooster Stage I catch the Kane Welch Kaplin set which was fun followed by John Hammond who was the reason for getting to the Rooster Stage. During the Hammond set there was a little bit of light rain but not bad enough to pack the gear. Once the set ended I worked my way back to Banjo Stage and met a friend arriving late. We got back to our spot at Banjo Stage and I ran into some old friends I hadn't seen in 10 years. Unfortnately I lost track of time and missed the first few seconds of the Jerry Douglas set. His set was really good, one of the best performances of his I have seen at the festival. Next up was Wynonna and the Big Noise. Wynonna Judd playing more than just country music. This was the only set I can say I really disliked over the three days. She seemed to have this attitude of I'm a star and how come you people don't know my music. It was really an odd set that I was happy to have end. Finally I get to see the main Emmylou Harris set and it surely didn't disappoint. At the end my friend returned my backup gear with his recordings which will be uploaded as well. A fun, three days. Hopefully this continues for 2017. Just the basic taper requests here and please no vitriol: Don't be an ass by selling this or using it in a video that is sold Don't modify the info file Don't remaster and/or post on other sites that are not 100% free If shared keep info file intact but create a second file with any changes Don't convert to lossy formats except for personal use Do support the artists